Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More technologies

Looking at some links from the Mobile Bristol site, there is certainly so many things going on. It really feels like there will be an explosion of new mobile content and services in the fairly near future when all this stuff goes mainstream.

Active Print link
printed matter and digital displays to the world of on-line content.

Then there's the technology of S60 phones.

I'm also interested in ideas about play, as well as engaging teenagers who often seem to lack provision of activities (having instead to put up with negative representations of themselves in the media), and space, so am looking at the Children's Play Council.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Blast Theory

These people are very interesting:
Blast Theory
The group's work explores interactivity and the relationship between real and virtual space with a particular focus on the social and political aspects of technology.

As is this research going on at the University of Nottingham :
Mixed Reality Laboratory

There's also the GPS work going on, with the European Space Agency version:
Galileo. You're sure to have heard of their satellites being blasted into space, but what it should mean is even greater accuracy than the current GPS system.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Initial research

This blog will include all my online research links, and who know what else!
For part of my MA in Interactive Media, II'm researching mobile technologies for use in a possible game based in Bristol (but transferable elsehwere), using mobile technologies.

GSM info:
GSM world

Radio Frequency Identitification Tags. These have caused some controversy, as they can be used to locate not only objects, but people:
RFID Technology Centre
RFID blog

Mobile Bristol - exciting things happening in Bristol:
Mobile Bristol