Tuesday, March 07, 2006


I've also been looking at this curious topic - futurology. BT's Foresight and Futurology Unit looks at
how technology will change the way we live our lives in the future.
Their Technology Timeline is worth a look, for their predictions.

One of their main areas of interest seems to be 'active skin', looking at a point in the future when chips are the same size as skin cells. Skin could then be a communications medium, linking various mobile devices, or a 'video tattoo' (extremely thin screen) could be stuck on one's arm. I know that 'content distribution is an area that BT is moving into (with TV over broadband arriving sometime this year), having suffered from the vast increase in competition in telecommunications.

They also seem to be applying Donald Norman's ideas about usability to mobile phones at last, and have a page dedicated to devices. They state that with new devices
spending time setting [them] up is a huge barrier to getting people to use new services
and that they
should do something useful straight out of the box.

They also need to be able to communicate effectively with each other, and this is hindered by havign such different operating systems - it is a competitive model, where a different approach might be more effective for all. If every car had a different operating system, life would be very difficult, as you would have to learn a new one if you wanted to buy a different car.

Bluetooth is not the best means of communicating as it's not entirely reliable, and requires lots of steps to set up a connection. Overall, though, these kind of things are relevant to the type of technology that would be essential to the kind of games I'm thinking of.


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